Author: Wikihow | Co – Author/ Expert Contributor: Tami Claytor

Understanding proper telephone etiquette is an important skill to have no matter what you do professionally. Whether having a casual conversation with a friend or talking to
someone for business reasons, there are ways you can ensure that you are being polite.

Part 1 Using Basic Telephone Etiquette

1. Greet the other caller politely. Whether you are placing a call or receiving a call, be sure to greet the other person politely. Greet the other caller as you would if you were seeing them in person. If you do not know the person, introduce yourself as you would if you were meeting the person for the first time in person. If you know the person you are calling, be sure to identify yourself before starting the conversation.

  • Common, polite greetings for placing a call are, “Hello, my name is… How are you doing today?”
  • If you are answering a call, a common greeting would be, “Hi, how are you? Thank you so much for calling.”
  • Visit our other tutorial on how to politely answer the phone.


2. Speak in your normal tone of voice. If you talk too loudly into your phone, it may be uncomfortable for the person on the other line. Similarly, if you talk too quietly, it may be difficult and straining for the person on the other line to hear you. By speaking in your normal tone of voice, you will avoid making the other caller uncomfortable.

  • If you are worried that you are talking too loudly or too quietly, say “Excuse
    me, can you hear me okay?”

3. Speak directly into the phone’s mouthpiece. If you are talking at a normal
volume, the caller on the other line will have difficulty hearing you if you do not talk directly into your telephone’s mouthpiece. This is the intended use of the telephone, and using the device properly will ensure that the person on the other line can hear you properly.

  • If there is a problem with your mouthpiece, consider purchasing a hands-free
    headset to eliminate the problem.

4. Do not eat while talking on the phone. One of the most impolite things you can do while speaking on the phone is eating, drinking, or chewing gum. Telephone receivers amplify chewing sounds, and it is impolite to make the other caller listen to these sounds. If you have lunch planned and are on the phone, either wait for the telephone conversation to finish, or ask the other caller if you may call them back after you eat.

5. Eliminate distractions while talking on the phone. While talking on the phone it is important to limit distractions as much as possible. If you are at home, turn down any music that may be playing and turn off your television. Anticipate what other things may distract you before placing a call and do your best to avoid these distractions.

  • If there are other people in the room, consider stepping outside or walking into a different room so you are not tempted to speak with them while on the phone.

6. Ask to call the person back if you have bad service. If you are talking on a cell phone in an area with poor cellular service, it is best to ask the person if you can call them back. Having to struggle through bad reception can be impolite to the other person, especially if you have to stay in the bad service for some time. Politely ask if you can call the person back at a later date, and apologize for the inconvenience.

  • A polite way of asking to call someone back would be to say, “Excuse me, I apologize. I seem to have poor cellular service. May I call you back as soon as possible?”

7. Say thank you and goodbye at the end of a call. It is polite to say thank you at the end of a phone conversation, but it is important to say goodbye as well. Because there are no facial cues while speaking over the phone, it can often be difficult to know when the conversation has ended. By saying, “Thank you for calling, goodbye!” it will be clear to both of you that the phone conversation has ended.

  • Visit our other tutorial for more information on politely ending a phone call.

Part 2 Talking on the Phone for Business

1. Answer the phone within 2 to 3 rings if you are receiving a call. If you are answering the phone for a business call, it is best to not make the other person wait. Being prepared for a scheduled call will allow you to answer the phone in an appropriate amount of time, while also allowing you time to dispose of any distractions that might take away your attention.

  • If the call is not scheduled, it is less important to answer the call within 2 to 3
    rings, but you should still answer the telephone as fast as possible.

2. Greet the caller by their professional title. Address the caller by their professional title, like Mr. Brown or Mrs. Smith, instead of calling them by their first names. This is polite business etiquette in person and should be taken seriously over the telephone, as well.

  • If you are on a first name basis with the caller, it is okay to drop the more formal title over the telephone.

3. Identify yourself properly if you are making the call. When you call someone and they answer the phone, it is important that you identify yourself and let the person know what you are calling about. This will eliminate any confusion on their end and ensure that the conversation is as efficient as possible.

4. Use professional language. Avoid using slang or profanity when representing your or someone else’s business over the phone. Act as you would at work, with professional, appropriate language. If you question whether something you want to say is appropriate, imagine saying it at work and anticipate whether it would be received well.

  • A good rule of thumb is to act on the safe side and ignore saying anything if you question whether or not is appropriate.

5. Ask to put the person on hold if you have to. Whether you are working from the office or at home, distractions will inevitably come up during a business call. If your attention needs to be elsewhere for a moment, it is proper etiquette to apologize and ask the person on the other line if it is okay that you place them on hold.

  • Be sure to use the “hold” function on your telephone, for it will mute your side of the line. If you forget to do this, the person on the other end may be able to hear you still.

6. Be patient and as helpful as possible. There are times when business calls can become slightly tense, and staying patient is important for proper telephone etiquette. If the caller is upset about a specific problem, listen to them carefully and decide the best way to help fit their needs. Avoid being rude or impolite in any way.

  • If you find yourself getting aggravated, ask to put the caller on hold for a moment. Take this time to calm down, taking deep breathes and regaining control of the situation.

7. Leave concise voicemail messages. If the person you are contacting does not answer, be sure to identify yourself clearly, leave your phone number, and give a brief description of why you are calling. Long-winded messages are impolite and inefficient, as the person on the other line may stop listening after some time. Use proper telephone etiquette while leaving the message and be as concise as possible.

  • It is good practice to write down your voicemail message before making the call so that you are prepared if the recipient does not answer the phone.

8. Ask for the necessary information if taking a message. If you are taking a message for someone else, it is important to politely ask for the other person’s name, phone number, and reason for calling. Asking for these three things will keep the conversation moving and will have the other person moving on as efficiently as possible.

  • After you receive the necessary call back information, thank the person for calling and tell them you will pass the information on as soon as possible.