The first Friday in September is Bring Your Manners to Work Day. Here are 5 ways to display your business etiquette acumen:

1) Always say “Please” and “Thank You”

2) Begin all written communications with the appropriate salutation.

For Example:
Formal-Dear Ms. Jones
Informal-Hi Mary

Never begin a business correspondence with “Hey”

3) Don’t send detailed and complex emails.
Long conversations should be discussed in-person, which reduces the possibility for misunderstandings.

4) Return all communications in a timely manner.
Within 24 hours is the standard rule of thumb.

However, if it can be done immediately, that is always preferred.
You don’t want your boss, colleague or customer to think that you don’t value them.

*Remember, we always make time for people or tasks that we determine are important.

5) Don’t discuss politics with co-workers.
With only 60 days until the 2020 Presidential election and a plethora of events happening in the world, you may be tempted to discuss the latest news with someone.

This is not a good idea because passions are running high and the last thing you need is discord with business associates. As it could effect the business’ bottomline.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.”
Warren Buffett

Just because you are working from home does not mean that you should forget it’s still “Bring Your Manners to Work Day.”