On Monday, February 27, 2017 Kellyanne Conway, Counselor to the President, was photographed in the Oval Office with her feet on the couch and her legs open. To put this picture in context, she was in that position because she was taking a picture of The President with representatives from historically black colleges and universities.

However, the move does raise questions of, what is appropriate business protocol?

Mrs. Conway’s business etiquette violations include:

  1. Her feet on the sofa.
    • Never put your feet on the furniture. It is a display of disrespect. Also, the dirt from the soles of her shoes could transfer to the sofa and someone else’s clothing.
  2. Her legs are open.
    • She is wearing a dress -her legs should never separate.

This embarrassing moment could have been avoided if she had asked someone else to take the picture for her or with a little more thought, found another position in which to snap the perfect shot.

However, I will say, I hope my knees are able to bend like that when I’m 50.

Please feel free to post a question or comment. I would love to know your thoughts.

Visit our website, alwaysappropriate.com, if you would like to learn more about our etiquette services.

Wishing you a great day!

Warm regards,

Tami Claytor

…Because Image Is Everything!